WipePlayQuery:Click on OK to wipe the playlist, Cancel to cancel.
NoMusic:No music is playing
MTitle3:Play list`176f1
MTitle4:Music dir.`160
Menu0-4:Music dir.`m4
Menu1-0:Tune info
Menu1-2:Sample info
Menu1-3:Channel info
Menu2-0:Jump to`g1m3
Help--2:\TMusic Player icon.|M\Sopen all \ws and close any open ones.|M\Aenter the music monitor.|MClick \s with SHIFT held down to open the music directory.
Help-0:This \w displays information about the Music Player.
Help-0-6:\Tprogram's author. You should buy !Vivaldi! from him if you haven't already.
Help-1:This is the Music Player sample saving \w.
Help-1-0:Drag this icon to where you want the sample to be saved.
Help-1-1:\Tsound sample's filename.|MPress RETURN to save it.
Help-1-2:\Ssave the sound sample.
Help-2:\TMusic Player music information \w.
Help-2-0:This box shows the name of the currently playing music.
Help-2-1:This box shows the author of the currently playing music.
Help-2-2:\Tlength of the music.
Help-2-3:\Tcurrent position in the sequence table.
Help-2-4:\Tpattern currently being played.
Help-2-5:\Tcurrent delay between events, in fiftieths of a second.|M\s slows the music down; \a speeds it up.
Help-2-6:\Tnumber of channels being used by the music.
Help-2-7:\Tcurrent state of the internal speaker(s).|M\Stoggle it.
Help-3:\TMusic Player music tools \w.
Help-3-0:\Srestart the music.
Help-3-1:\Smove to the previous sequence table position.
Help-3-2:\Sstop the music and remove it from memory.
Help-3-3:\Spause the music.
Help-3-4:\Sunpause the music.
Help-3-5:\Smove to the next sequence table position.
Help-3-7:\Tthe total playing time of the music, in minutes and seconds.
Help-4:\TMusic Player sample names \w.|M\Ssave the sample under the pointer.
Help-5:\TMusic Player channel information \w.|MClick on the tick/cross to toggle a channel on/off; "?" means that the channel isn't being used.|MClick on an arrow to change the stereo setting of a channel.
Help-5-32:\Sset all the stereo positions to the middle.
Help-5-33:\Sset all the stereo positions to the left.
Help-5-34:\Sset all the stereo positions to the right.
Help-5-35:\Sset the stereo positions to R,L,L,R,R,L,L,R (alternating [Amiga style]).
Help-5-36:\Sset the stereo positions to the user setting.
Help-5-37:\Sgrab the current stereo positions and store as the user setting.
Help-6:Drag a music file here to add it to the current playlist.
Help-6-3:\Smove to the previous tune in the playlist.
Help-6-4:\Sstop the playlist.
Help-6-5:\Smove to the next tune in the playlist.|MIf this button is pushed in, then the playlist is playing. If it is not, click to start it.
Help-6-6:\Stoggle "Repeat" on and off.|MIf it is on, the current music will repeat when it is finished; if it is off, it won't.
Help-6-7:\Stoggle "Shuffle" on and off.|MIf on, the playlist is played in a random order.
Help-7:\Tvolume setting \w.
Help-7-0:\Tthe current volume setting.|MIt goes from 1 (quiet) to 127 (loud).|M
Help-7-1:\Sincrease the volume.|M\Aincrease it by 5.
Help-7-2:\Sdecrease the volume.|M\Adecrease it by 5.
Help-8:This is the Music Player playlist saving \w.
Help-8-0:Drag this icon to where you want the playlist to be saved.
Help-8-1:\Tplaylist's filename.|MPress RETURN to save it.
Help-8-2:\Ssave the playlist.
Help-9:This is the Music Player music directory selection \w.
Help-9-0:Drag this icon into the directory display showing the contents of the new music directory.
Help-9-1:\Tpathname of the music directory.|MPress RETURN to set it.
Help-9-2:\Sset the music directory.
Help-11:\Tmusic quality \w.
Help-11-1:\Sset the music to high quality.|MNote that slower machines cannot cope with high quality sound when there are more than 4 channels.
Help-11-2:\Sset the music to medium (normal) quality.
Help-11-3:\Sset the music to low quality.
Help-11-4:If this option is selected, music quality will automatically be selected depending on how many channels it uses.|M\Stoggle.
Help-11-7:\Smake music with over 4 channels play at high quality.|MNB Slower machines will not be able to handle this.
Help-11-8:\Smake music with over 4 channels play at medium quality.
Help-11-9:\Smake music with over 4 channels play at low quality.
Help-11-10:\Smake music using 4 channels or less play at high quality.
Help-11-11:\Smake music using 4 channels or less play at medium quality.
Help-11-12:\Smake music using 4 channels or less play at low quality.